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YouTube Lowers Requirements for Monetization: Expanded Opportunities for Content Creators

YouTube Lowers Requirements for Monetization? Expanded Opportunities for Content Creators !

YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, has recently made significant changes to its eligibility criteria for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), allowing more creators to access monetization tools. This move aims to support content creators by expanding the shopping affiliate program and introducing more opportunities for revenue generation. Let's delve into the details of these updates and their potential impact.

YouTube Partner Program Requirements:

Previously, creators needed a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and either 4,000 watch hours in the past year or 10 million Shorts views in the last 90 days to qualify for the YPP. However, YouTube has now lowered the bar, with new conditions including:

  1. Minimum Requirements: Creators must have at least 500 subscribers and have uploaded three public videos in the last 90 days.
  2. Watch Hours or Shorts Views: Creators should meet either of the following criteria: a. Total 3,000 watch hours in the past year. b. Total 3 million Shorts views in the last 90 days.

Monetization Tools and Benefits:

Upon meeting the new threshold, creators can apply to join the YPP, gaining access to various monetization tools and benefits. These include:

  1. Tipping Tools: Creators can utilize Super Thanks, Super Chat, and Super Stickers to receive monetary support from their audience.
  2. Subscription Tools: Channel memberships allow creators to offer exclusive perks to subscribers.
  3. YouTube Shopping: Eligible creators can promote their merchandise through YouTube Shopping, enhancing their brand presence and revenue opportunities.

Implications for Long Video Creators:

While the reduced threshold opens doors for many creators, the requirement of uploading three videos within a 90-day period may pose a challenge for those primarily focused on longer video formats. Despite amassing millions of views, the pressure to produce multiple videos within a limited timeframe can be demanding.

Expansion and Future Plans:

Initially implemented in the U.S., the new eligibility criteria are now being rolled out in the U.K., Canada, Taiwan, and South Korea. YouTube intends to extend these changes to other countries where the YPP operates.

YouTube Shopping Affiliate Program:

In addition to the revised YPP criteria, YouTube is expanding its Shopping affiliate pilot for U.S.-based creators with over 20,000 subscribers. This initiative enables creators to tag products in their videos and Shorts, earning commissions from resulting sales. The shopping-related features were introduced for Shorts creators in the U.S. in November.

YouTube's Focus on Monetization:

YouTube has been actively introducing various monetization tools for creators, particularly for Shorts content. They began sharing ad revenue generated by Shorts with creators in February, responding to the format's exponential growth. The company's emphasis on revenue generation aligns with the broader industry trend, as seen with Meta's Reels boasting 140 billion daily views across Instagram and Facebook.

YouTube's recent changes to the YPP eligibility criteria signify the platform's commitment to supporting content creators by providing enhanced monetization opportunities. By lowering the subscriber count requirement and adjusting the watch hour or Shorts views benchmarks, YouTube aims to empower more creators to monetize their content effectively. These updates, along with the expansion of the Shopping affiliate program, highlight YouTube's dedication to fostering a thriving creator ecosystem. Further details about these developments are expected to be unveiled during the upcoming VidCon conference.


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